All RVezy users are required to verify their accounts in order to use our platform. The goal of this process is to make RVezy a safer and more secure community by ensuring that the identity of every user on our platform has been verified.
If you are having difficulty completing your account verification, this short video of a step-by-step tutorial of the verification process may be helpful:
Accessing your account verification
In order to have access to verify your account, head to the Profile section of your account or click on the notification on the Home screen of your RVezy App.
You'll be brought to your Account Settings, where you can obtain your verification link. The phone number you provided in your account details will already be there, so you can simply click on Send Verification Text. If you would like to receive the text at a different number, you can change it at this step.
Please note that the phone number entered must be a mobile number and cannot be a landline number.
You'll receive a text from RVezy with your verification link on your mobile phone.
Completing your account verification
Once you have clicked on the verification link, you will be brought to a web page on your phone.
Important note for guests: On this page, you'll have the option to either verify your account and add yourself as an approved driver at the same time, or simply verify your account.
If you want to verify your account and add yourself as an approved driver, click here for more details on this process. If you simply want to verify your account, keep reading below.
Click on Start Account Verification to begin the process. You'll be asked to quickly verify your account information such as name, phone number, and email address.
After confirming that this information is correct, make sure to have your driver's license handy and click on Upload Driver's License to begin verifying your account.
The web page will request access to your camera in order to proceed. Please make sure to click Allow, otherwise you will not be able to proceed with your verification.
If you're not prompted to allow your camera permission and the photo page remains blank, you might have to enable access directly from your phone settings.
After allowing access to your camera, you will then be prompted to take a photo of your driver's license. Follow the prompts on your screen asking you to hold steady or move your camera away. After doing so a few times, the software will automatically take a clear and accurate photo of your driver's license - no need for you to click any buttons.
Best practices for taking photos of your ID
- Make sure your license is on a clear, flat surface.
- Make sure all the edges of the license are visible in the photo.
- Make sure there is clear lighting and avoid any glares when possible.
After completing this step, you will be asked to take a selfie. Your phone camera will automatically switch to your front camera to show your face. Again, follow the prompts on your screen asking you to hold your phone further and closer to your face until the software can capture your selfie.
Best practices for taking a photo of yourself
- Make sure you're not wearing any hats, glasses, or other accessories that are not in your ID photo.
- Make sure your full face is captured and is visible in the photo.
- Make sure there is clear lighting and avoid any glares when possible.
Once you have successfully completed the selfie portion, you will be brought to another screen confirming that your account verification was successful. You will receive an email from our Customer Success team within 24-48 hours updating you on the status of your application.
If you're having difficulty completing your account verification, please try the below troubleshooting suggestions first:
After sending the verification link to your phone: If the link isn't loading, there could be an issue with your network connection.
- If you're connected to a Wi-Fi network, try disconnecting from your Wi-Fi and tap the link again.
- If you're using a data connection and are not able to load the link, try connecting to a Wi-Fi network and click the link again with the Wi-Fi enabled.
- If none of the above suggestions work, try copying the verification link from the text message and pasting it in your browser, rather than clicking directly on the link.
When trying to take a photo of your driver's license:
- Put your driver's license on a clear, flat surface.
- Make sure you're in a location with clear lighting so that there is no glare obstructing your license.
When trying to take your selfie:
- Remove any accessories (hat, glasses, etc.) that may be obstructing your face.
- Make sure you're in a location with clear lighting so that there is no glare or no shadows obstructing your face.
If you are having issues with your account verification and you have tried the troubleshooting suggestions above, please try to complete the account verification on a different device.