Accidents and damages are rare, but they do happen. For that reason, we offer commercial insurance coverage to our hosts, so you know that your RV will always be protected on your rentals.
If your RV sustains substantial damages during a rental, or if your guest gets in an accident, you can open an insurance claim during or after the rental period.
Opening an insurance claim
You can open an insurance claim on a booking any time after the trip has started. To do so, simply access the booking details page in your account by accessing the Bookings tab and clicking on the booking.
On the left-hand side of the page, click on "Start insurance claim" to begin the claim submission process.
After clicking on that button, a pop-up window will appear so you can confirm that opening an insurance claim is the right course of action based on the incident or damages that took place. If you are sure that you wish to proceed with a claim, click on 'Start insurance claim'.
A new window will open where you can begin filling out a claim submission form. Click on 'Begin' to start providing additional information surrounding the details of your claim.
This 9-step submission form will ask for information including but not limited to:
- Your contact information
- Information about your RV
- Description of the incident that took place
- The specific location of the incident
- Photos of the damage as well as where it's located on your RV
- Any additional documents to support the claim (videos, text messages, estimates or quotes from a garage, etc.)
Once you're satisfied with the information, documents, and photos you've included in your submission, click on 'Submit'. Once the claim form is submitted, you'll be provided with a claim number which you can reference when communicating with us. You'll also receive an email confirming that your claim was successfully submitted.
A member of our Trust & Safety team will then be in contact with you within two to three business days to discuss the next steps.