As a host, you will be able to see if your guest has added an approved driver to their booking by viewing the booking details page.
Under the Drivers heading, you'll see if the guest has added any drivers and what their status is.
If the guest does not add an approved driver by the start date of the trip, you'll be notified by email and will be advised not to release your RV until a driver has been added.
In case you may have missed the alert email mentioned above, you will also receive a warning when completing the departure inspection on your phone:
At this stage, you should contact RVezy immediately by phone at 1 (855) 697-8399. If you still release your RV to the guest without an approved driver, despite this warning, the rental will not be insured.
In the event of any damages occurring while an unapproved driver is driving the RV or while there is no approved driver on the booking, the resulting damages will not be covered by the insurance, and the guest will be fully responsible for the total cost of the repairs.