After your trip, the RV host may submit a request for additional fees for up to 30 days. This could be for damages, extra mileage, propane or generator usage, etc. An explanation for these charges will be provided by the host and shared with you, along with any relevant evidence such as photos or receipts.
If you don’t agree with the requested fees, you’ll have the ability to open a dispute and contest them. To do so, access the booking in your RVezy account and click on the banner at the top of the page.
You'll be able to review the fees, the host’s explanation, and any submitted evidence. If you disagree with the fees, click on the button Dispute Fees.
You’ll be prompted to submit an explanation as to why you are disputing the fees, which will be shared with the host. You will also have the option to submit a private message to RVezy where you can include any information you do not want to be shared with the host. Lastly, you can include any relevant evidence such as photos or receipts.
Once all the fields have been filled out, click Dispute extra fees to submit your dispute. It will be assigned to a member of our support team who will contact you within 1 to 2 business days.
If you want to submit any additional evidence after the dispute has been opened, you can do so by accessing the booking and clicking on the banner at the top of the page.
After clicking on the banner, you’ll see the evidence that was already submitted by both you and the host, and you’ll be able to upload any additional evidence.
Note that you will have up until 7 days after the dispute has been opened to submit this additional evidence. After 7 days, our support team will resolve the dispute based on the evidence on file at that time.