We understand that some unforeseen circumstances may arise that can lead you to have to cancel your booking.
In the event that you need to cancel your booking, the first step would be to read and familiarize yourself with our cancellation policy so that you can make an informed decision.
Next, consider alternative options that might eliminate the need for a cancellation, such as rescheduling for different dates, or alternative delivery/towing arrangements. Talk to your host to see if you can find a solution.
After you have read the policy and have confirmed that you still need to cancel your booking, you can cancel it by heading to your booking details page. In your RVezy App click "Trips" and select your booking.
Scroll to the bottom to the "Manage you booking" section and click on the Cancel button. You'll be presented with a breakdown of your refund and will be asked to provide the reason for the cancellation. Once this is entered, you will need to click on Cancel again to confirm your cancellation.
By cancelling your booking, a series of automated transactions* will be triggered by our system, including in some cases a payout to the host. These transactions cannot be reversed, which is why you must be extremely sure of your decision before officially cancelling your booking.
Please be aware that the cancellation policy will apply differently based on who is cancelling the booking, either the host or the guest. The system will not take into account who may have requested one party to cancel or which party had the intention to cancel, but simply who performed the act of cancelling the booking.
This means that even if you are instructed by the other party to cancel the booking on their behalf, the cancellation policy will apply based on who clicked the Cancel button. If you receive this type of request, please do not cancel the booking and contact us or call us on 1-855-697 8399.
*Any refunds related to a cancellation -if applicable- will need 3 business days to appear on the credit card statement.