As a host, there may be situations in which you'd like to offer a refund to your guest due to an inconvenience or a mishap that took place during their trip with your RV.
To allow you to seamlessly send money to the guest through the platform in a secure and transparent manner, you will now be able to do so with the Send Money feature that will be visible in the booking details page.
When can a host send money to a guest?
Hosts will be able to use the Send Money feature once the booking is in the Trip Started stage, all the way until the booking is Completed. Money can be sent to guests up until 30 days after a trip is completed.
How do I use the Send Money feature?
To access the Send Money feature, click on the booking details of the guest who you'd like to refund. You can find the booking details by locating the booking under the Bookings tab or in your Calendar. Under your payout amount, you will be able to click on the Send money button.
You will be brought to a new page where you will need to enter the amount of the refund as well as the reason for the refund.
Both fields are mandatory in order to proceed with the transaction. The minimum amount that can be sent is $20.00, while the maximum amount is the amount of your payout for the booking.
Once you have added the amount and reason, click on Send money. You will be prompted to confirm the transaction. If you have changed your mind or would like to make some modifications to the amount or reason, you can hit Cancel. Otherwise, click the Confirm button to process the transaction.
Once you've clicked Confirm, you will be taken to a page that will confirm that the money has been sent to the guest and will be withdrawn from your bank account within the next 2-3 days. The guest will be notified of this change with a push notification, as well as an email.
Can I send money to the same guest more than once?
Yes, you can send money to a guest as many times as you'd like. However, you will not be able to send more than the total payout amount for the booking.